
Friday, June 5, 2009


May 31, 2009 (day 43)
Today was little league day at Camden Yards. Both Jim and Mikey got the chance to parade around the out field. I was so proud of both boys.Especially Mikey. I wasn't sure that he would be very cool with me leaving him with his coach about a half an hour before the parade. But he did awesome. One of the moms gave out cookies and he could have cared less that I was around. We all waited patiently for our team to come around the track. We stood behind the foul pole so they would know where to look. Mikey doesn't do very good at looking when you point somewhere. You kinda have to turn his head. His coach was very good and got Mikey to look up my way and when he saw me he smiled so big. Then he blew me a kiss (I'm so glad another mom caught this photo for me). My heart melted. Every morning when Mikey gets on the bus I wave and then blow a kiss and does the same back. Usually I am the initiator but today he was. To most this may seem so small but for us this shows how far Mikey has come. When Mikey was younger he didn't initiate anything.We didn't have finger plays, no wheels on the bus. He waved for the first time when he was 2 years old. BUT... today he blew me a kiss and he melted my heart, once again.

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