
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Batter, Batter, SWING!

We are almost at the end of Mikey's 2nd baseball season. Last year we played on a typical t-ball team, this year we played on an adapted league. I have to say, I think he has had more fun this year then last. I know I have (and so has his Daddy). Now don't get me wrong, we had a wonderful coach last year. He was very understanding of Mikey's delays and he assisted Mikey when ever he needed help. But, Mikey stood out. He didn't understand how to run the bases and the outfield? Ha! Well, we tried, right? This year I had no fear going to the baseball field. It didn't matter how slow Mikey ran, or if he had a melt down. Everyone understood, becuase, they were dealing with the same stuff. Mikey makes me so proud everyday with every little thing he learns. He absolutely loves to bat and guess what....... He learned to hit without a tee! He also loves to run the bases. Having a huge "snack tree", as Mikey calls it, doesn't hurt either. What made this season extra special was the bond Mikey and Daddy formed. Every little boy should have an awesome daddy on the side lines cheering him on... Or on the field when he heeds him... And sometimes he runs the bases with him... I wonder what sport we will try next!

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