
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

He gets it from his dad....

Two totally cool dudes...

You can't help but love them!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Its that time of year again!

Yes, in our family its that time of year again.
What time you may wonder?
Its geocaching time!
What is geocaching? Here is a little info from
"Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and support for the environment."
On Saturday we all piled in the truck and headed out. The weather was absolutely beautiful.
Our first stop was a wonderful little park in the middle of no where. Sometimes on our adventures we stumble on little beauties like this. The kids love running through the woods and jumping over streams.
We all enjoy the thrill of the hunt as we look for geocaches. Our first one was hiden just hard enough for the kids to find. The kids all took there turns looking through the "treasure" and then we were on our way. As we head to our next geocache we were lucky enough to be at the railroad crossing just as a train headed down the track. Almost a little too lucky! We ended up finding 3 geocaches that day, but, best of all we had an amazing day with each other. Which in the end is the best treasure!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

22 things I've learned... a mother.
(prompt from Stacy Julian's blog )

1. You don't have to give birth to be a mother.
2. Don't be afraid to be silly.
3. Character band aids make boo boos better faster.
4. Some kids hate band aids!
5. They won't die if they don't eat.
6. Let them get muddy- it is good for the soul and it wears them out.
7. Nothing attracts a kid (especially a little brother) like a locked door.
8. Doctors can be wrong.
9. Memories are not expensive to make.
10. There is no such thing as a "normal" kid.
11. Stash stickers everywhere. They are a lifesaver.
12. Write everything down or you will for get it.
13. They will eat it if you let them help cook it.
14. Let them do it. They will be very proud when the figure it out.
15. There's nothing wrong with playing with worms.
16. Coins fascinate kids (kids will work for coins)
17. There's nothing wrong with pink hair. Some times you just need a change.
18. Give them a box-they'll give you a castle or a spaceship or a boat or a....
19. 1 shoe will always disappear 5 minutes before you walk out the door.
20. 5 boxes of crayons is never enough.
21. Each kid needs their own bag of cotton candy.
22. If all else fails turn up the radio and sing along, very loudly.
Not too shabby for only doing this mom thing for a little over 5 years.
I have awesome teachers...
Thank you
Luke, Mikey, Jim and Sarah
for making me an awesome Mom!

Now its your turn. What have you learned?

Just for thoughts...

"Guard your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


After the tons of snow we received the last couple of months its nice to know that spring is here and to actually have a couple of beautiful days to prove it. Of course we have traded snow for mud. Lots of mud. Luckily I have a little boy that could live his life covered in mud.

That same sweet little boy was very excited to get his bike out for his first (and definitely not last) ride of the season.

Just as little brothers do, Luke soon jumped on his bike and was following his big brother.

Even if his helmet was a little too big...

And it wouldn't be spring without a new haircut.

Happy Spring!

Monday, March 22, 2010

It's a cheer thing... wouldn't understand.
Mix hairspray with glitter and spunk.
Throw in some sweat and a couple tears.
Add a dash strength and hard work and mix together with faith and love.
What do you get?
A cheerleader!
Between Sarah's cheering and my coaching, cheering has hit our home big time. You'll hear no complaining from my part. I love the sparkle, curls and bows. The extra sweet little girls I get to spend my time with also doesn't hurt! It amazes me to watch the girls tumble and jump. I laugh when people argue that cheer leading is not a sport. Come watch one of our practices! But what impresses me the most is the amazing faith and trust these girls have in their team mates. Hey, would you let someone throw you in the air or hold you 5 feet off the ground, if you didn't?

Sarah's team at Reach the Beach Ocean City

My little sweeties!
My sweet girl

It's the glimmer of hope when times are tough;
It's a bit more patience when we've had enough.
It's that thoughtful smile when one's desperately needed,
It's that extra push, a reason why we've succeeded.
This part of our personality which never fails to strive,
Is the creator of our goals and the source of our drive.
We are enthused about life,
optimistic about what's to be,
Because the cheerleader inside looks for the best of life you see.
It's the strong support upon which you stand,
It emerges as a friend to lend you a hand.
Where does this light come from,
where does the ray start?
It shines in your mind, but ignites in your heart.
The confidence to try,
the will to believe,
The acceptance of failure and the way to achieve.
It's very close by,
its something we trust.
It's the fighter inside,
it's the cheerleader within us.
~ *Kim* CHS Cheerleader

Friday, March 19, 2010

Life in 30 seconds or less....

Yes, I once again have slacked off in the blog department. So what has happened so far in 2010? Well, here we go...

Luke turned 3, on January 4th! I am still wondering where the heck the "slow time down" switch is, because I can't believe my baby is 3.

Jim had his first taste of stardom with our local drama group. He enjoyed being the only boy in his group. (Playing the part of superman didn't hurt the matter either!)

Sarah also had her moment of glory on stage. Sarah and her friends had a blast performing a couple songs from "Annie".

Mikey turned 5 on January 18th. (Still looking for that switch!)

We were blessed with way too much snow. Thank you God, I will not complain about the lack of good snowfall in Maryland for about another 10 years.

We had our first official sleep over. For one night I had 8 kids sleeping in my living room. I survived and can't wait to do it again!

Sarah loves gymnastics, just a little bit more, now that she has a bright red leotard.

Mikey loves preschool and his big yellow bus.

The 6 and under girls that Angel and I coach took 1st at Reach the Beach.

Did I mention the snow?

Jim has a heck of a swing!

My little girl is growing up too fast.

Luke had fun sharing his book during show and tell.