Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Favorite Photo Contest
This is one of my favorite photos of Mikey. I love the dirty face and his collection of rocks.
This IS Mikey.
Today was a typical rough day.
But I will not focus on that...
I will not focus on having to ground one of the kids for playing their DS after bedtime last night.
What I will focus on is this....
Isn't that smile the best!
That is the smile of a little boy who is proud of himself.
A little boy that is having fun helping Mommy.
Mikey gets home from school just before lunch. Today, as usual he ran to the kitchen and climbed on the counter to dig for the pop tarts. Pop tarts are his go to food. His comfort food. It doesn't matter where I hide them or how many times I tell him not to climb on the counters, he will find them. Today I caught him before they where opened. His response- his usual very loud scream. I told him it was lunch time. It just happened I had sponge bob and toy story mac and cheese and the cabinet. I asked him if he would pick for me. He continued to scream. I asked again. He stopped, looked and picked- toy story. We put it in the microwave and I helped him push the buttons. He stood there and watched- the entire time. I think the microwave amazes him. Then he helped me stir in everything and even scooped it out onto every one's plate. All the time excitedly tell his siblings who's plate was next. When it was his plate's turn he found joy in filling it with a small layer of pasta. I asked him how many nuggets he wanted, he told me five. I made him count out five and he did, by himself on the first try! I was so proud of him. One of my biggest fears for Mikey is that he will not have the life skills to survive on his own. Or, that he will not be able to communicate what he needs. Baby step by baby step he is making his way. I just need to be patient and remember the God will make a way. He always does. Who am I to doubt him.
Monday, July 26, 2010
If not, go watch it now!
Last night I had the pleasure to view it for the first time.
Just like Julie, sometimes I feel like my life is in the slump.
So, at 1:30AM I decided I was going jump full force into blogging.
My blog has been around for about 2 years, but I have never fully embraced it.
I must give myself a little credit, lately I have been doing much better in sharing my little piece of the world with everyone out there in reader-land.
But you see- I tend to let life get the best of me.
There is so much baggage in my life that I tend to smile and pack it away,
this results in me feeling overwhelmed and like a failure,
which turns into more baggage...blah, blah, blah.
I stop doing the things I enjoy and super focus on things I cannot fix.
I know I cannot change this over night,
but I realize I have an outlet to dump some of that baggage and a place to share my joys.
Yes, even when that crap builds I still see the joy that is in my life.
So why am I telling you all this?
Well it just happens that there is a new reality series in the works that is based around blogging moms and I am throwing my hat in the ring.
You can read more about the project here: Project Mom.
I’m Lore and for me blogging has always been a way to share our lives with family, friends and those who may by chance stumble upon my craziness.
What is my story? What journey am I on?
I have two wonderful little boys that I had the pleasure to give birth to.
The oldest of which has a chromosomal abnormality and has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
My once quite little boy now has the super power of turning into a raving lunatic in 2.5 seconds flat. At times I am brought to tears.
I am learning what is best for him and how to adapt to his moods and demands.
Talk about a journey- Sometimes it feels like one step forward only to be knocked ten steps back.
My little one- well, he keeps me on my toes, also!
I also have another two amazing kids that God placed in my life.
I may not have carried them in my womb but I have definitely carried them in my heart. Currently we are a foster family but, come November 2011 we will be a forever family.
Their story is truly heart stopping and some day with their permission I hope to share the lengths they’ve traveled to become who they are.
I hope my blog can be a catalyst to bring myself and other moms together.
Together to smile, laugh, cry, complain and maybe slowly unpack that baggage that is holding us all back.
Introducing Patches!
Last Wednesday I showed a pictures of out newest 4-legged addition, Patches.
We were not expecting to add any more pets at this time,
but with some thing that cute...
So here is sweet Patches story.
A couple months back a stray cat adopted us.
Yes, we named her...
Yes, we fed her...
Yes, we bought her a shelter.
( By us I mean me, ha!)
Last Monday Tyco started barking hysterically and Jim went to see what was going on.
When he looked over the deck this is what he found....Princess ( I told you I named her) had had 3 adorable kittens.
Isn't this one just a stinker! Of course, what else were we to do but scoop them up and bring them in?
They are all so cute.... But this one stole my heart!
She was a lot smaller then her siblings
and upon inspection I noticed a cut on her throat and a large mass.
Off to the vet we went.
The doctor said the poor thing would need surgery to drain two large abscesses
(one in her neck and one in her belly). wouldn't be cheap. I couldn't say no.
My poor baby went into surgery without a name and we didn't know if she was a she yet.
We did find out that she was about 3 1/2-4 weeks old.At home the other two kittens snuggled
and practiced being adorable!
(By the way- they are looking for a loving home.) Then the vet called and said my little one pulled through like a trooper. She had to have a drain placed in her neck and stomach.
It looked nasty but at least she could come home. She wouldn't nurse with her mother so I had to syringe feed her. In the morning she likes to curl in my hair.
Yes, she is spoiled! Our big baby and our littlest baby. On Wednesday I had to take her back to the vet
because she tore a couple of the stitches in her neck. The vet removed the tube and restitched her neck,
leaving an opening so it could drain.
By Thursday she was taking the bottle like a pro! She also enjoys snuggling with her siblings. She also learned how to nurse.
(Cute kid moment-
Sarah said that they were fighting over the "sucker") On Sunday she took a trip to church with us
and then off to the vet to have her tummy tube removed.
She enjoyed snuggling with her teddy during the trip. Well, I did say she is spoiled!
Friday, July 23, 2010
New York City!
Pretty soon it turned into- Hey! Lets drive to New York.