
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Soiree

If you are free on June 14 join us over at Cocoa Daisy for their summer soiree.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tumbling Queen

June 1, 2009 (day 44)
Another gymnastics class for Sarah. In just two seasons she has come so far. Today she received her "report card". Her coach decided to move her up to the next level. Its amazing to see how far she's come. Not to long ago she was walking into walls now her coaches tell me that she has very good balance and has a lot of potential. But I already knew that...

Friday, June 5, 2009


May 31, 2009 (day 43)
Today was little league day at Camden Yards. Both Jim and Mikey got the chance to parade around the out field. I was so proud of both boys.Especially Mikey. I wasn't sure that he would be very cool with me leaving him with his coach about a half an hour before the parade. But he did awesome. One of the moms gave out cookies and he could have cared less that I was around. We all waited patiently for our team to come around the track. We stood behind the foul pole so they would know where to look. Mikey doesn't do very good at looking when you point somewhere. You kinda have to turn his head. His coach was very good and got Mikey to look up my way and when he saw me he smiled so big. Then he blew me a kiss (I'm so glad another mom caught this photo for me). My heart melted. Every morning when Mikey gets on the bus I wave and then blow a kiss and does the same back. Usually I am the initiator but today he was. To most this may seem so small but for us this shows how far Mikey has come. When Mikey was younger he didn't initiate anything.We didn't have finger plays, no wheels on the bus. He waved for the first time when he was 2 years old. BUT... today he blew me a kiss and he melted my heart, once again.

Family Trip

May 30, 2009 (day 42)
Today the six of us ventured out for the day. May is foster parent appreciation month and the wonderful people in the AA county foster care department decided to treat all the foster families to a day at Six Flags. None of the kids had ever been there and they were so excited to ride the rides and watch the shows. The weather was beautiful. It was a perfect day. We have already decided to go back and check out the water park and ride the rides again.


May 29, 2009 (day 41)
Lately it seems when ever you ask Mikey what he wants to eat its- pancakes. This tends to be a little difficult when we are eating out because most restaurants don't serve pancakes for dinner. So tonight after hearing pancakes for the millionth time we decided to go to a place the had pancakes. And as soon as the menu was laid on the table Mikey quickly pointed out the pancakes. They were gone just as quick once they arrived at our table. Ahh...breakfast for dinner!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Six years together

On Sunday, May 31 Jason and I celebrated our sixth anniversary. There is a new song out by Brad Paisley called "Then", one of the main lines says "And I thought I loved you then." It is so true. On our wedding day I thought I loved Jason, but it is nothing in comparison to how I feel about him now. My love for him has grown over the years as I've watched him with our children and I've seen his devotion to us and our family. I'm sure in 10, 15, 20 years from now I will look back and say...I thought I loved him then.

Rainy Baseball Day

Project 365- Day 40
May 28, 2009
Jim's game ended up being called due to rain but that didn't stop the fun. Mikey and Luke enjoyed a snow ball and Luke was fascinated by the stream.

Passed Out

Project 365- Day 39
May 27, 2009
Right now the boys are in between beds while we wait for the new ones to arrive. So to pass the time Mikey and Luke sleep on a mattress on the floor. Well I guess Luke wanted to be closer to the action and he ended up passing out in the doorway. Not only did he pass out but he did it in total Luke style with his "My Shoes" on and his "My Dog" under his arm. Gotta love 2 year olds.

Luke's Shoes

Project 365- Day 38
May 26, 2009
Luke has entered the "Mine" stage. Everything is MINE. As we were walking through Walmart Luke spotted these and called out MINE. Well the child really needed a pair of shoes. Lately he has boycotted socks and his tennis shoes smell horrible. So a new pair of shoes it was, but hey, who can say no to bright green and yellow $5 shoes? Not Mommy.

Family Movie Night

Project 365- Day 37
May 25, 2009
My camera is broken at the moment so I had to capture our family movie night with the camera on my phone. At least the moment is captured, right? Who doesn't love a good movie, root beer floats and popcorn?